faculty of medicine in america

there are many universities and institues in america that inculde many colleges such as faculty of medicine.the faculty of medicine is one of the most famous college in america because of the quality of medical study and research budgetst.at amrica,harvard university is one of the oldest university.at harvard university,the faculty of medicine is the third oldest medical faculty in america. at harvard university,the faculty of medicine for the academic year is about 45000$.

faculty of medicine in germany

germany is one of the best european countries to study medicine.in germany, there are alarge number of universities that provided the best science in the field of human medicine.these universities are such as heidelberg UN,lubeck UN and leipzig UN.at heidelbergUN,the faculty of medicine is an important internationl scientific center.at lubeck UN, the faculy of medicine is renowned for its accuracy in medical research and testing.at leipzig UN,the faculty of medicine has about 3000 students in the field of human medicine 
 and dentistry

faculty of medicine in sweden

there are many universities and institiues in sweden that inculde many colleges such as the faculty of human medicine and the faculty of dentistry.these universities and institues are such as lund UN,uppsalaon UN,umea UN,orebro UN and karolinska institute.at karolinska institute,there is the best faculty of medicine.this faculty of medicine offers many academic researches that serve medicine.many of doctors in the medical and pharmacentical sciences had graduated from this faculty of medicine,as these doctors havemade achievements in various fields.

faculty of medicine in theUAE

there are many universities and institiues in UAE that include many colleges such as the faculty of human medicine and the faculty of dentistry.these universities are such as united arab emirates UN,zayed UN,sbu dhabi UN,ajman UN and  university of sharjah.at UAE UN,the faculty of medicine is one pf the best meical faculty in the middle east. this faculty of medicine is universally recongnized. this faculty of medicine has proven track record in establishing effective research programs.
